Natalia Shalova

Natalia Shalova

Senior Lecturer

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology
Specialty – teacher of English and German, English translator

2005 – up to present National Technical University of Ukraine ”Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Work experience at NTUU “KPI” – 18 years

Foreign Language
Foreign language for professional purposes


Institute of Postgraduate Education of the National Technical University of Ukraine

“Excel spreadsheets in the work of the teacher”, 2015

“Creation and use of web resources of the discipline”, 2018

“Using Google Extended Learning Services”, 2020


Markiv, O., Zarivna, O., Khymai, N., & Shalova, N. (2021). Formation of the Culture of Working with Information in the Conditions of Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on Covid 19 Challenges (1) DOI: (Web of Science Core Collection)

Yefimova, O., Zarivna, O., Markiv, O., Shalova, N., Khymai, N. (2021). Online learning in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic – a new model of education Science for modern man: education, psychology, philosophy, philology, art history.Monographic series «European Science». Book 4, Part 7, Pр. 59–65.

Iнноваційна наука, виробництво і транспорт: освіта, медицина, економіка, техніка. Книга 21.Частина 2: серія монографій\ [автор. колектив: Шалова Н.С., Павлова О.О, Кушніров П.В. та ін. (2022). Одеса: КУПРІЄНКО С.В. С.9-44. ISSN 2663-5569 -002

Shalova N., Stavytska I., Korbut O.(2022) Challenges and prospects of the development of distance learning at the university during the COCID-19 pandemic.Одеса: Інноваційна педагогіка. Випуск 49 Том 2.180-183. DOI 6085/2022/49.2.36

Shalova N., Stavytska I., Korbut O. (2022) To the issue of ICT integration into the educational process and their use in non-formal education: Global science and education in the modern realities ‘2022, / SWorld&ProConference in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington, USA.63-66. DOI: 10.30888/2709-2267.2022-11-01-015

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