Valentyna Lukianenko

Valentyna Lukianenko

Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of English for Engineering №2, certificate 12ДЦ № 039310, from 26.06.2014, Decision of Attestation Board № 5/02 D from 26.06.2014

Scientific Degree: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Diploma ДК № 006883, from 17.05.2012., scientific specialization: 19.00.07 – Educational and Age Psychology, Dissertation topic: «Psychological features of self-efficacy development in adolescence»

PhD course
Institute of Sociology and Law, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

2004-2006 рр.
Master course
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
Department of Foreign Philology
Speciality: language and literature (English); qualification: teacher of English; diploma КВ№28429388 from 31.01. 2006

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
Department of Foreign Philology
Speciality: language and literature (English and German); qualification: teacher of English, German and Foreign Literature
Specialist diploma

Professional experience
Associate Professor of the Department of English for Engineering №2
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

2006- 2012 рр.
Teacher of the Department of English for Engineering №2
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Certification training
Department of Practice of English at Lesia Ukrainka East-European University. Certificate №262 від 10.02.2020

Coursera: Shaping the way we teach English 1. The Landscape of English Language Teaching, University of Oregon; Shaping the way we teach English 2: Paths to Success in ELT, University of Oregon

Educational Methodical Complex “Institute of Postgraduate Education” National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” certificate № 12СПВ 120506 від 26.12.2014 р., «Development of Teacher Web-page», 04.11.2014 – 26.12.2014

• Published more than 60 works in scientific journals, conference abstracts at All-Ukrainian and International conferences, methodological works
• Published chapters in 2 monographs, 1 textbook, 2 distant courses
• Participation in Organizing Committee of 7 international conferences «Current Foreign Language Teaching Issues in Higher Education»


Articles in Scopus/Wos – indexed journals journals
Lavrysh, Y., Lytovchenko, I., Lukianenko V., Golub, T. (2022). Teaching during the wartime: Experience from Ukraine. Educational Philosophy and Theory. (Scopus Q2, Web of Science, Q3). (in press)

Lavrysh, Y., Lytovchenko, I., Lukianenko V., Ogienko, O. (2022). Experience of using distance learning tools in ESP instruction at technical university: a case of Ukraine Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology (Web of Science). (in press)

Lytovchenko I., Terenko O., Lavrysh Y., Lukianenko V., Nataliia A. (2022). Corporate training in the United States: a variety of approaches and methods as imperative of our time. Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação (Web of Science). (in press)

Lavrysh, Y., Lytovchenko, І., Lukianenko, V. (2020). Ecocomposition Integration into ESP Course for Bachelors at a Technical University. The MEXTESOL Journal, 44(1), 1 – 16. (Scopus, Q4)

Lytovchenko, І., Lavrysh, Y., Lukianenko, V., Ogienko, O. (2020). How to teach grammar to adult ESP learners at technical university more communicatively: task-based approach. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, 7(1), 54-71. (Web of Science)

Saienko, N., Lavrysh, Y., Lukianenko, V. (2020). The Impact of Educational Technologies on University Teachers’ Self-efficacy. Interna-tional Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(6), 323-336. (Web of Science)

Lukianenko, V., & Vadaska, S. (2020). Evaluating the Efficiency of Online English Course for First-Year Engineering Students. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(2Sup1), 62-69. (Web of Science)

Kuzminska, N., Stavytska, I., Lukianenko, V., & Lygina, O. (2019). Application of CLIL methodology in teaching economic disciplines at university. Advanced Education, 11, 112-117. (Web of Science)

Executive editor of international scientific journal “Advanced Education” (indexed in Web of Science,ERIC, ERIH +, etc.)

Member of international editorial board of the Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes (Turkey)

TESOL-Ukraine. Certificate № 161 from 02.01. 2021
TESOL-Ukraine. Certificate № 1007 from 05.01.2022

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