We bring to your attention the Report of the Scientific Group “English for Science“, which functions at the Department of English of technical direction No. 2 of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” since 2020. The goal of the Group is to involve students in acquiring of new scientific knowledge...Read More
In December 2023, Ukrainian scientific journals in philological sciences continue to unite to ensure the continuity of scientific activity. For your convenience, a single date for submission of materials has been chosen – December 25, by which you can send your articles. To find more detailed information and in case of questions, you can find...Read More
The “European Youth Goals” project is completed! 🌍 Students from KPI and the University of León (Spain) presented their presentations onthe chosen goals and shared their experiences participating in the project. Thank you for active participation and insightful presentations!Read More
Welcome to join the 4th monthly online meeting of the KPI club “English for Science”, which will take place on Wednesday (December 6) at 4 p.m. ⏰Duration: up to 90 min. ▶️AGENDA: Survey of Scientific Resources (students’ presentations) More information read hereRead More
XXIV INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL ONLINE CONFERENCE for HIGHER EDUCATION AND YOUNG SCIENTISTS “SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE XXI CENTURY”. On November 23, 2023, the 24th International Scientific and Practical Online Conference for higher education students and young scientists “Science and Technology of the XXI Century” was held on the basis of the Faculty of...Read More
Delighted to announce that students and faculty from the department participated in the international interdisciplinary project “Cultural Dimensions of Data Visualization.” The project partners included instructors and students from Aarhus University, Denmark. Throughout the project, students explored the nuances and cultural aspects of data visualization, presenting works with examples of implementation. Gratitude to the students...Read More
The teachers of our department successfully completed the informal education course on the Basics of anti-corruption education in the amount of 0.5 ECTS credits. Each teacher received an appropriate Certificate of anti-corruption training, which you can find on the personal pages of our teachers, who completed the course. We sincerely congratulate our colleagues!Read More
I All-Ukrainian Scientific and PracticalInternet conference“Foreign languages as an integrative component of adult educationin the context of civilizational changes of the 21st century” Dear colleagues! On December 20, 2023, we invite you to take part in the work of the 1st All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Foreign Languages as an Integrative Component of Adult...Read More
TESOL-Ukraine Newsletter feature insights and experiences in the field of ELT in Ukraine. It focuses on a range of topics that will help educators to navigate the challenges and opportunities of wartime in Ukraine: air alerts, power outages, missile attacks. This issue includes: -TESOL-Ukraine projects at times of war; -Fundamentals of ELT training; -MultiEd initiatives;...Read More
Welcome to join the 3rd monthly online meeting of the KPI club “English for Science”, which will take place on Wednesday (November 15) at 4 p.m. ⏰Duration: 90 min. ▶️AGENDA: Speaking Skills. Giving a Presentation More information read hereRead More